HyperText Transport Protocol is the communications protocol used to connect to servers on the World Wide Web. Its primary function is to establish a connection with a Web server and transmit HTML pages to the client browser.
See Also:
SEO, Page Rank, Deep Linking, Linkage
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol abbreviated as HTTP is a protocol which contains a set of rules and convention for transmitting and exchanging files via the internet. It is coordinated by WWW i.e. World Wide Web Consortium. A file can be any file like text file, image files, query results or anything else. HTTP is a request and response standard of a client and a server. The basic communication is followed by sending a request from the client side and getting a response from the client side. Here HTTP servers are the Web Servers.
How HTTP Works:
- An HTTP client opens a connection and sends a request message to an HTTP server.
- The server then returns a response message.
- The server closes the connection (making HTTP a stateless protocol.
Basic Structure of HTTP
Request message contains:
- Request line , example : GET /images/logo.gif HTTP/1.1, which requests a resource called /images/logo.gif from server
- Headers , example : Accept-Language: en
- An empty line
- An optional message body
There are eight Request methods:
- HEAD provide information about the request or response.
- GET Requests a representation of the specified resource.
- POST request is used to send data to the server to be processed.
- PUT Uploads a representation.
- DELETE deletes the resource.
- TRACE Echoes back the received request such that a client can see what intermediate servers are adding or changing in the request.
- OPTIONS Returns the HTTP methods that the server supports for specified URL.
- CONNECT Converts the request connection to a transparent TCP/IP tunnel.
HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. A web site starting with https//: means that your computer is talking to the website in a secure code that no one can eavesdrop on. The primary difference between http and https is with the default port which is 80 for http and 443 for https.